JoeClark121 il 20/12/2017, 11:59
How to bring a "Modified Pumped Storage Hydroelect
I have a idea for a Modified Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Plant that does not have a devastating impact on the environment by using a small fraction of the space of a Conventional Pumped Storage Facility. Also the diversity of the plant allows it to be built in otherwise unsuitable locations for dam plants of comparable production capacity.
I have read what I can about every conceivable dam, hydro plant facility, fluid dynamics, hydrodynamic fluids, turbine theory, and anything to do with construction materials and techniques.
I've built a crude proto-type and my theory is sound and viable, but I need to find engineers, and people versed in fluid physics to assist in the building of a full scale mycrohydroelectric 1 megawatt facility, so that a complete feasibility study can be assurtained.
Long story short, where can I find such innovative people? And funding for such a study?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.